Pocomoke City, Maryland

"The friendliest town on the Eastern Shore"

City Manager's Report










DATE: JULY 12, 2024


Please refer to the following update on City operations provided to the Mayor and Council for the week of July 4 – July 11, 2024: 




  • Prepared draft agenda for the next meeting of the Mayor and City Council, which has been postponed to July 22nd due to schedule conflicts.
  • Met with the Train Club to discuss lease renewal for FY 25.  The draft lease will be forwarded to Council for approval.
  • Attended the Ribbon Cutting for Cypress Roots, hosted by the Pocomoke Chamber of Commerce.
  • Working with Paul Ellington, a grants consultant who has done work for the City in the past, to set up a meeting to discuss potential grant opportunities for infrastructure and energy efficiency.
  • Attended the kick-off meeting for the DNR Flood Study with the City Planner and Downtown Events Coordinator.
  • Continued working with CivicPlus to design a program manage the rental registration program.
  • Continuing interviews for the Economic Development Director position.
  • Drafting position description and advertisement for the Code Compliance Assistant position.




  • Two citizen complaints addressed about grass and weeds in Southern Fields Development and the Woodland Manor Development.
  • Spoke with several landlords and homeowners about rental program and procedures. Gave out packets put together for them to get a better understanding and to know what to submit to the City.
  • Starting to receive packets from landlords to file for renewal program.
  • Working on rfp and bids for vehicle purchases. Been in contact with 2 auto dealerships
  • Contract was put in on 612 Second St. for purchase. Settlement is set for 7/12/24.
  • 403 Market St. was transferred to a new owner. The plan is to demolish the building.
  • The Discovery Center project is progressing well.
  • One vehicle violation was written.
  • Ten grass and vegetation violations were written.
  • Met with business owner about paving the parking lot at the laundry mat on Market St.




4th Friday Street Festival

- Continued vendor solicitation. Current vendor count: 12

- Additional activity & entertainment planning for the Christmas in July theme.

- Wrote thank you letters to the participants & volunteers of June's 4th Friday.

- Applied for August's one day special event alcohol permit through the Worcester County Board of License Commissioners.


Concerts in the Park

- Continued promotion for the season & the July 18th concert.


Downtown Pocomoke Fall Festival 10/12/24

- Reaching out to additional food vendors to attend for more variety.

- Searching for new entertainment & activities.


Downtown/City Hall

- Continued social media promotion of all City events & news.

- Working on a custom MD polo shirt order for City officials & staff.

- Designed an employment advertisement for the City's Economic Development position to share on social media.

- Working with Civic Plus to renew our Archive Social subscription.

- Sat in on a meeting with Rauch Engineering & DNR to discuss the flooding problem in Cypress Park & other areas.

- Balanced the DPA checkbook & paid bills while serving as their Treasurer.

- Looking into options to restore the Coca Cola sign downtown.





FY24 Project Restore 2.0: Awarded $154,975 to help revitalize vacant downtown commercial properties.

FY25 Operating Assistance Grant: Awarded $10,000 to purchase LED signage for the highway.

FY24 Downtown Building Improvement Grant $50,000, in progress.

FY24 Operating Assistance Grant $10,000, in progress.

          - Meeting with the artist & stakeholders on 7/11/24 to unveil the 3 mural proofs.

FY25 Downtown Building Improvement Grant: submitted, awaiting announcement.




  • Employment Status
    • 65 Full Time
    • 19 Part-time
  • In - Processed 1 Employee
    • EMS - 1 employee / Paramedic-PT
  • Provided additional support to the Finance Department for the June 27th - July 10th payroll (75 checks generated).
  • Worked with the Police Department on various payroll and personnel questions/concerns.
  • Continued to work on auditing life insurance (FY25) employee coverage adjustments.
  • Worked with Worker's Compensation carrier (Chesapeake Employers) on developing and providing our employees with a heat-related illnesses emergency guide.
  • Continued to provide support to current, retired and former employees.
  • Responded to several calls from retired and current employees asking questions about FY2025 health insurance changes.




  • Issued Electric Permit for 541 Ocean Hwy, service upgrade/appliances.
  • Attended kick-off meeting with Rauch Eng for Cypress Park study.
  • Issued Roofing permit for 1302 Dorchester Street.
  • Issued HVAC Permit for 1298 Dorchester Ave. (New home construction).
  • Reviewed plans for Hardwire expansion.  Inspected site.
  • Prepared and set Agenda for Planning Commission meeting.
  • Sustainable Community Minor Adjustment form/application sent to City Council.
  • Received complaint on possible overcrowded conditions/boarding house at 101 Adkins Pl. Inspected 512 Young Street for Certificate of Occupancy.  Additional work needed.




  • Continued mowing operations in all public spaces.
  • Responded to a water leak in the vicinity of the water line project and worked with the contractor to repair.
  • Conducted routine maintenance on the water truck used at fairgrounds to keep the dusts down.
  • Repaired a leak in the sewer line on Market St.
  • Checked all storm drains and ditches before and after rain.
  • Working on purchase of vehicles and equipment authorized in the FY 25 budget.
  • Conducted hydrants flushing throughout the town.
  • Worked on routine maintenance of the WWTP and WTP along with clean up activity around both plants for cosmetic and hygienic reasons.
  • Pulled bushes up around the brick City sign at Lusby’s and placed crepe myrtle trees.


Finance and Police Updates to be provided next week


Pay Bills Online

Our online utility billing application gives you access to your account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It's a convenient way to pay your bills on your own time - with no waiting!

Scan this QR code with your mobile device or click here to get started!

Business Hours

Hours of Operation - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Phone Numbers

City Hall: 410-957-1333
Water Dept: 410-957-2521
Public Works: 410-957-0107
Animal Control: 410-632-1340
Code Enforcement: 667-853-3120
Planning & Zoning: 410-957-1633
Police Non-emergency: 410-957-1600
Ambulance Non-emergency: 410-957-3600
Fire Company Non-emergency: 410-957-1023

Problems or concerns that are not an emergency please click here to email.
