DATE: JULY 12, 2024
Please refer to the following update on City operations provided to the Mayor and Council for the week of July 4 – July 11, 2024:
- Prepared draft agenda for the next meeting of the Mayor and City Council, which has been postponed to July 22nd due to schedule conflicts.
- Met with the Train Club to discuss lease renewal for FY 25. The draft lease will be forwarded to Council for approval.
- Attended the Ribbon Cutting for Cypress Roots, hosted by the Pocomoke Chamber of Commerce.
- Working with Paul Ellington, a grants consultant who has done work for the City in the past, to set up a meeting to discuss potential grant opportunities for infrastructure and energy efficiency.
- Attended the kick-off meeting for the DNR Flood Study with the City Planner and Downtown Events Coordinator.
- Continued working with CivicPlus to design a program manage the rental registration program.
- Continuing interviews for the Economic Development Director position.
- Drafting position description and advertisement for the Code Compliance Assistant position.
- Two citizen complaints addressed about grass and weeds in Southern Fields Development and the Woodland Manor Development.
- Spoke with several landlords and homeowners about rental program and procedures. Gave out packets put together for them to get a better understanding and to know what to submit to the City.
- Starting to receive packets from landlords to file for renewal program.
- Working on rfp and bids for vehicle purchases. Been in contact with 2 auto dealerships
- Contract was put in on 612 Second St. for purchase. Settlement is set for 7/12/24.
- 403 Market St. was transferred to a new owner. The plan is to demolish the building.
- The Discovery Center project is progressing well.
- One vehicle violation was written.
- Ten grass and vegetation violations were written.
- Met with business owner about paving the parking lot at the laundry mat on Market St.
4th Friday Street Festival
- Continued vendor solicitation. Current vendor count: 12
- Additional activity & entertainment planning for the Christmas in July theme.
- Wrote thank you letters to the participants & volunteers of June's 4th Friday.
- Applied for August's one day special event alcohol permit through the Worcester County Board of License Commissioners.
Concerts in the Park
- Continued promotion for the season & the July 18th concert.
Downtown Pocomoke Fall Festival 10/12/24
- Reaching out to additional food vendors to attend for more variety.
- Searching for new entertainment & activities.
Downtown/City Hall
- Continued social media promotion of all City events & news.
- Working on a custom MD polo shirt order for City officials & staff.
- Designed an employment advertisement for the City's Economic Development position to share on social media.
- Working with Civic Plus to renew our Archive Social subscription.
- Sat in on a meeting with Rauch Engineering & DNR to discuss the flooding problem in Cypress Park & other areas.
- Balanced the DPA checkbook & paid bills while serving as their Treasurer.
- Looking into options to restore the Coca Cola sign downtown.
FY24 Project Restore 2.0: Awarded $154,975 to help revitalize vacant downtown commercial properties.
FY25 Operating Assistance Grant: Awarded $10,000 to purchase LED signage for the highway.
FY24 Downtown Building Improvement Grant $50,000, in progress.
FY24 Operating Assistance Grant $10,000, in progress.
- Meeting with the artist & stakeholders on 7/11/24 to unveil the 3 mural proofs.
FY25 Downtown Building Improvement Grant: submitted, awaiting announcement.
- Employment Status
- 65 Full Time
- 19 Part-time
- In - Processed 1 Employee
- EMS - 1 employee / Paramedic-PT
- Provided additional support to the Finance Department for the June 27th - July 10th payroll (75 checks generated).
- Worked with the Police Department on various payroll and personnel questions/concerns.
- Continued to work on auditing life insurance (FY25) employee coverage adjustments.
- Worked with Worker's Compensation carrier (Chesapeake Employers) on developing and providing our employees with a heat-related illnesses emergency guide.
- Continued to provide support to current, retired and former employees.
- Responded to several calls from retired and current employees asking questions about FY2025 health insurance changes.
- Issued Electric Permit for 541 Ocean Hwy, service upgrade/appliances.
- Attended kick-off meeting with Rauch Eng for Cypress Park study.
- Issued Roofing permit for 1302 Dorchester Street.
- Issued HVAC Permit for 1298 Dorchester Ave. (New home construction).
- Reviewed plans for Hardwire expansion. Inspected site.
- Prepared and set Agenda for Planning Commission meeting.
- Sustainable Community Minor Adjustment form/application sent to City Council.
- Received complaint on possible overcrowded conditions/boarding house at 101 Adkins Pl. Inspected 512 Young Street for Certificate of Occupancy. Additional work needed.
- Continued mowing operations in all public spaces.
- Responded to a water leak in the vicinity of the water line project and worked with the contractor to repair.
- Conducted routine maintenance on the water truck used at fairgrounds to keep the dusts down.
- Repaired a leak in the sewer line on Market St.
- Checked all storm drains and ditches before and after rain.
- Working on purchase of vehicles and equipment authorized in the FY 25 budget.
- Conducted hydrants flushing throughout the town.
- Worked on routine maintenance of the WWTP and WTP along with clean up activity around both plants for cosmetic and hygienic reasons.
- Pulled bushes up around the brick City sign at Lusby’s and placed crepe myrtle trees.
Finance and Police Updates to be provided next week