DATE: February 7, 2025
Please refer to the following update regarding City operations provided to the Mayor and Council for the week of February 3 - February 7, 2025:
- Coordinated tour of City properties for staff and Council members.
- Met with Davis Strategies to discuss fiber networks for City departments.
- Hosted meeting of the management team.
- Attended Board Docs tutorial.
- Prepared notice for Charter Amendment.
- Prepared budget request to Worcester County.
- Discussed the status of the Armory Demolition project. Asbestos removal has been completed and awaiting approval.
- Provided preliminary letter of intent to CDBG for the community center project.
Code Enforcement
- 58 properties registered and paid to the rental program
- 7 new rental properties found and letters sent to owners to register their property.
- Issued 6 Certificates of Occupancy for rental properties.
- Wrote 1 Nuisance violation on a property.
- Attended City property tour and compiled a list of issues and concerns with these properties.
- Met with a homeowner about violation with his property and discussed how to resolve the problems.
- Attended city staff meeting.
Economic Development
- Continued social media promotion of all City events & news.
- The part-time City Events Coordinator has officially been brought onboard. We are working together on the Spring Festival & potential Concerts in the Park.
- Scheduled a Downtown Pocomoke Association Meeting for Monday, 2/24/25 for introductions & planning.
- Submitted SHA Special Event Permit for street closures during the Spring Festival & 4th Friday Street Festivals.
- Signed advertising contract with Frugals for promotion of City events. Paid for by Worcester County.
- Mailed out past due CDMA bills to downtown business members.
- Attended a Pocomoke City Property Tour to evaluate their conditions.
- Visited businesses in the Industrial Park with members of Worcester County in preparation for the MD Economic Development Association (MEDA) tour in May.
FY24 Project Restore 2.0: $279,975, in progress.
- 113 Willow Street: Plumbing & electrical projects are complete.
- 144 Market Street: Issued first payment to the property owner for work completed. Working on the second installment.
- 149 Market Street: In progress.
FY24 Downtown Building Improvement Grant: $50,000, in progress.
- Subgrantee 149 Market Street: Awaiting funds from DHCD.
FY25 Downtown Building Improvement Grant: $50,000
- Awaiting the Grant Agreement from DHCD before opening up the application process to eligible properties.
FY25 Operating Assistance Grant: $10,000
-Grant agreement received. Awaiting resolution to be made for Council approval.
Human Resources
-Employee Status
64 Full Time
21 Part-time
-In-Processed 1 New Employee
Economic Development Department/Events Coordinator - PT
-Information as it pertains to our new Events Coordinator: Native of Pocomoke. Experience in parent/child participation in community activities, planning and executing multiple county events for faculty and staff of Worcester County Public Schools and the Board of Education, as well as, over-seeing multiple school budget requirements. Excellent communication skills, solid overall work experience in event planning and promotion and creative thinking.
Interviewed a candidate for the Water/WasteWater Operator.
-Provided support to the Finance Department as it related to the January 23rd - February 5th payroll (75 checks generated)
-Attended a meeting / training session with the AleraGroup concerning Workers Compensation/Health Insurance stuff and the Maryland Paid Family & Medical Leave Program. ( to be implemented in the near future).
-Worked with the AleraGroup on providing our employees with the Internal Revenue requirements for developing the ACA Form 1094C/1095C (Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information for 2024).
-Accompanied city employees and an elected official on visiting all city owned buildings to see what modifications and repairs may need to be done to bring these building up to code
-Began working with the Alera Group on providing a Census for the Upcoming Maryland --Paid Family Leave Act requirements. Based on our employee population we will be required to participate in this state mandated program.
-Continue the daily support of our retirees, elected officials, former and current employees with various HR/MSR related matters.
5 Adult Arrest ( 3 traffic / 2 criminal)
31 Traffic Stops (44 total violations, 27 warnings, 17 citations)
1 DUI/DWI arrest
4 Motor Vehicle Accident
37 Foot Patrols
53 Business Checks
62 Patrol Checks
5 Assist other Law Enforcement Agencies
-SAPP Grant application for FY 2026 has been completed and submitted. Awaiting
PACT Grant funding which would fund surveillance cameras throughout the city.
The awards for this grant will be rewarded on 3/31/25.
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Hours of Operation - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
City Hall: 410-957-1333
Water Dept: 410-957-2521
Public Works: 410-957-0107
Animal Control: 410-632-1340
Code Enforcement: 667-853-3120
Planning & Zoning: 410-957-1633
Police Non-emergency: 410-957-1600
Ambulance Non-emergency: 410-957-3600
Fire Company Non-emergency: 410-957-1023