Pocomoke City, Maryland

"The friendliest town on the Eastern Shore"

Events In Pocomoke City

The previously scheduled budget work session for April 29, 2024 at 6:30 PM has been postponed.  The next budget work session will be posted when scheduled.

To view the segment, please click on the following link:


Credit: (WBOC TV16, 2019)

Come to Downtown Pocomoke along the scenic Pocomoke River at 7:00 am Fridays. Free to become a vendor!
Call 410-957-1333 for more information.

Every Wednesday from 12-2PM the Pocomoke EMS station at 137 8th Street, Pocomoke City, Maryland will test your blood pressure for free. They will also provide blood pressure cards.

Pay Bills Online

Our online utility billing application gives you access to your account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It's a convenient way to pay your bills on your own time - with no waiting!

Scan this QR code with your mobile device or click here to get started!

Business Hours

Hours of Operation - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Phone Numbers

City Hall: 410-957-1333
Water Dept: 410-957-2521
Public Works: 410-957-0107
Animal Control: 410-632-1340
Code Enforcement: 667-853-3120
Planning & Zoning: 410-957-1633
Police Non-emergency: 410-957-1600
Ambulance Non-emergency: 410-957-3600
Fire Company Non-emergency: 410-957-1023

Problems or concerns that are not an emergency please click here to email.
