Pocomoke City, Maryland

"The friendliest town on the Eastern Shore"

Welcome Message

Welcome to Pocomoke City, the friendliest town on the Eastern Shore! It is located where the town expands through two counties (Worcester and Somerset) and stretches down to the tip of the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Pocomoke City, home of the proud Pocomoke Warriors (our future), and awesome athletes on this side of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Our three local schools have been credited as Title One Schools as well as Blue Ribbon Schools.

Pocomoke City became the center of attraction for servicemen and servicewomen to have fun-filled weekends with lots of activities to experience as they toured our town after a long week of employment at the Wallops Island Flight Center at Wallops Island, Virginia. Transporting cargo such as lumber, fertilizer, propane, other chemicals, corn, seeds, and other products via railway, the Pennsylvania Railroad traveled up and down the railway from Pocomoke City to Cape Charles. The name eventually altered to Penn Central, and then to Conrail. The railway, now known as the Norfolk-Southern Railway, continues to transport the aforementioned products. 

From the manufacturing of firearms at Benelli to the seafood, industry; construction companies to the defense-security company, Hardwire, Pocomoke City has employment opportunities for those wanting a challenge. 

With a variety of delicacies offered, one can opt for their preference of dining opportunities.

Our historic buildings and homes, such as the Coston House, the One-Room School Museum and the fairgrounds of the Great Pocomoke Fair can be an awesome touring experience. Yes, our recently renovated MarVa Theater continues to bring movies for the entire family. Modern senior housing has been a rewarding elevation to allow older residents security, lighting and more advanced upscale living arrangements. To take a scenic ride down the deepest river known worldwide for its size, Cypress trees leaning over the banks into the Pocomoke River in a sedentary, motionless stature. A delight and honor to be a part of this fair city; Pocomoke is the definition of home. I challenge you to tour our beautiful Pocomoke City, with all it has to offer.

Have questions? Want more detail? Reach out to our Chamber of Commerce and get your answers! We have pamphlets, maps, illustrations and so much more!

 We are better together,
Todd J. Nock, Mayor



From the Desk of Mayor Todd Nock Regarding the Armory Building, Posted 3/28/2024

Photo Citation: Historic Photo, Armory building, Pocomoke City, Md. [Card]. ([ca. 1930–1945]). Retrieved from https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/w3763s415


To read the full letter from Mayor Nock, please follow the link below:

Pocomoke City Announces Partnership with Boys & Girls Club for New Community Center, Posted 3/21/2024

**Pocomoke City Announces Partnership with Boys & Girls Club for New Community Center**

POCOMOKE CITY, MD – In an exciting development for the residents of Pocomoke City, Mayor Nock and Councilwoman Troast have clarified details surrounding the forthcoming partnership between the city and the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Eastern Shore. This collaboration aims to establish a new community center that will significantly benefit the local youth and the broader community.

Peddling and Events in Pocomoke City: A Guide for Vendors

If you are planning to peddle goods or services in Pocomoke City, follow these rules: 

      1. Contact City Hall 

           a. Reach out to City Hall, in advance of your planned solicitation date(s), at 410-957-1333 during business hours,

                8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. 

           b. Visit them at 101 Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, MD 21851.

           c. Email the City Clerk at mstafford@pocomokemd.gov for inquiries or to obtain the peddlers' application. 

Latest News & Announcements

Photo Citation: Historic Photo, Armory building, Pocomoke City, Md. [Card]. ([ca. 1930–1945]). Retrieved from https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/w3763s415


To read the full letter from Mayor Nock, please follow the link below:

**Pocomoke City Announces Partnership with Boys & Girls Club for New Community Center**

POCOMOKE CITY, MD – In an exciting development for the residents of Pocomoke City, Mayor Nock and Councilwoman Troast have clarified details surrounding the forthcoming partnership between the city and the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Eastern Shore. This collaboration aims to establish a new community center that will significantly benefit the local youth and the broader community.

If you are planning to peddle goods or services in Pocomoke City, follow these rules: 

      1. Contact City Hall 

           a. Reach out to City Hall, in advance of your planned solicitation date(s), at 410-957-1333 during business hours,

                8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. 

           b. Visit them at 101 Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, MD 21851.

This weeks Monday and Tuesday garbage collection services will now be on Tuesday (2/18) and Wednesday (2/19).

On Wednesday, February 19th, there will be a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting for RZNE#111-2025: To rezone B-2 General Business to R-# Multi-Family District. The Commission meeting is open to the public if anyone would like to attend. For details on the rezoning, please see the attachments.

Due to the impending weather, Pocomoke City offices will be closing today at 1 pm. 

Pay Bills Online

Our online utility billing application gives you access to your account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It's a convenient way to pay your bills on your own time - with no waiting!

Scan this QR code with your mobile device or click here to get started!

Business Hours

Hours of Operation - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Phone Numbers

City Hall: 410-957-1333
Water Dept: 410-957-2521
Public Works: 410-957-0107
Animal Control: 410-632-1340
Code Enforcement: 667-853-3120
Planning & Zoning: 410-957-1633
Police Non-emergency: 410-957-1600
Ambulance Non-emergency: 410-957-3600
Fire Company Non-emergency: 410-957-1023

Problems or concerns that are not an emergency please click here to email.
